Are you ready to access something new within yourself? A new way of being?
A deeper connection to your inner power and presence so you can use your business as a vehicle for greater IMPACT?
Whether you are dealing with something that has knocked you off your inner compass and want support to navigate it to return to your most powerful state.
Or you want to be able to hold all you’ve created AND have it feel really good - to feel a deep sense of self and personal power while having a lot of responsibility, expectations and eyes on you.
You might be feeling called to create your next iteration…the next level expansion of you…of your work in the world … A next level purpose.
You’re busy and want to integrate healing, insights and upgrades with your already full life, not add more to your full plate.
AND you’ve been go - go - go in building this stage you’re currently on, jumping through hoops to create your expert status and abundant opportunities.
You’re NOW you’re committed to giving yourself time and space go inward, to clear anything clouding your power, shed any painful experiences and to re-connect to your inner voice, feel powerful within yourself and open to what’s next for you.
You influence many people and offer a lot of yourself and your energy in the world. You’re holding a lot and feel like you’re on your own in many ways.
You’re ready for support from someone you trust who can hold a high level of space for YOU.
You know Self Mastery is your next level and also want to continue with your full life. You’re ready to give this time to yourself and also like to move quickly.
You’re ready for an elevation and expansion of you and your ripple, and also desire to shed old layers and want an integrated, efficient and effective approach.
This is how I support my clients. I support only a few clients in this high touch 1:1 way each year.
Journey Within
Powerful 6 to 12 Month Experiences
These are Highly Customized 1:1 Coaching Engagements
We begin with an insightful Soul Scan from your Akashic Records to clarify who you are at a Soul level so you understand your Soul gifts and how you’re meant to thrive both personally and professionally
You receive 2 x 90 minute OR 3 x 60 minute Energetic Coaching sessions each month
Focussed VIP Mornings and Personal Retreats - Virtual and In Person
Integration of The R.E.C.O.D.E. Method to breakthrough your upper limits
Voicemail / Text support between sessions through WhatsApp for the full year
+ Resources to support you as well as other surprises so you truly feel held in these containers
You will experience:
Transformation in all areas of your life
Complete embodiment of your Purpose, Power & Presence
An expansion in your business or life’s work
Clarity and elevation of your mission and impact - your next level purpose and legacy
A deep sense of Self-Trust to take the actions & make the decisions that are most aligned for you
Your energy and vibrational frequency will be amplified creating aligned opportunities and partnerships
Feel what it’s like to work together by booking the complimentary session below.
It’s powerful in its own right and will clarify if working together in this extended, highly supported way is right for you.