As a visionary leader or entrepreneur following your own path:

You’re playing big in the world, have a big mission AND …a lot on your shoulders.

You have an external level of success, fame, money that you enjoy but something feels incomplete.

You want to keep all that you’ve worked so hard to create AND have it feel as good as it did when you started.

You didn’t anticipate that when you got all you wanted, it would feel stressful and would come at the price of so many external voices guiding you, impacting your ability to hear your own voice.

You’re looking to enjoy your success on a deeper level, to feel energized while continuing with the impact you’re making AND trust yourself to explore other directions and opportunities that enhance what you’ve already created.


This only happens when you access your Personal Power.

When you do, you feel grounded within yourself despite dealing with a big public life experience.

You stay connected to what you’ve already created and the impact it has AND you become activated and on fire to create… your next ITERATION, your next level purpose and opportunities.

You feel energized as you give out so much energy in the world.

Ready for High Level 1:1 Support?

I’m Andra Wochesen, and I confidently support people just like you.

Living in the public eye has a unique set of challenges and I use my intuitive ability to tune into your energy to help you return to a state of embodied power within yourself.

I support you to feel grounded, to fully embody your Soul gifts, and to ACTIVATE and AMPLIFY your Personal Power.

So you continue to grow yourself, impact others and feel like a more powerful version of yourself.

See what it’s like to work together by booking a call here

This is a powerful session from your Akashic Records to elevate your Soul gifts and impact.

6 to 12 month engagements for those ready to go deep and up level every area of their life and work.

An intimate 1:1 experience to breakthrough anything clouding your power & step into your next iteration.

HOLD your own energy and power

as you lead in the Spotlight.